10 Reasons Why The Grass Is Greener At RFK

A Worms Eye View of The Outfield
1] The Nationals are a team that never gives up, so as a fan, I always have a reason to listen to the game
2] The knowledge that Jose Guillen will likely be our rightfielder for the next decade.
3] The knowledge that Brad Wilkerson will be in the outfield for the next decade
4] That we, and not the fans in New York or Montreal, will have the chance to watch Nick Johnson turn into a star
5] That we, and not the fans in Arizona or Montreal, have watched John Patterson become a pitcher and now a thrower.
6] The Nationals uniforms are a nice combination of retro and reality, making them look really good, both at home and on the road.
7] Finally understanding why a catcher who hits .250 can be more important to a team than one who hits 40 homeruns.
8] Knowing that if we don't develop a centerfield, trader Jim will find us one
9] The knowledge that Christian Guzman won't be the shortstop for the next decade.
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