Alex Rodriguez Defaming DC
Enough is enough. Before baseball returned to Washington, it was little more than a irritant, seeing our old team wearing uniforms that said "Washington" across the chest. But now, with the Nationals again playing on the hallowed ground of RFK, it must come to an end.
Isn't bad enough that Texas is the home of the Cowboys? Must they also remind us that the team is more like the "Pirates" of Pittsburgh than the lawmen they attempt to honor? Texas stole our team. They should now give up to us the name, the uniforms and the history of the franchise prior to 1972. Those players, those uniforms mean nothing to them, and everything to us.
Texas, get a clue. Wear your cute little "Rangers" togs, play in your suburban park, all that's fine. But don't wear those DC uniforms again. WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE.