Nats Take On Phillies Monday Night

Phillie Great Richie Ashburn
The Braves took care of the Phillies this weekend. Hopefully we can do the same beginning Monday night.
Below is a discussion board posting I found on a Philadelphia newspaper website:
Le's not wait 40 games to evaluate this team. It is the same as last year. No
passion and little talent. We can not beat Florida or Atlanta or even Washington
-- we are not as good. This team has been over hyped for
Unfortunately, management has traded away the future to build a
mediocre team. Like the Phils 3 of the 4 minor league teams, Reading,
Clearwater, and Lakewood are also in last place. There is no help down on the
Nothing will change with current management. We need a rebuild of
minors and the big team. This bunch has no hope of winning. 78 wins tops is my
The Philly fans don't see a lot of hope in this team, but there is talent. Lieberthal - Thome - Utley - Burrell - Abreu and a little bit of pitching. The question that begs to be asked: would I trade the Nationals for the Phillies? I'm not sure. Other than first, the Phils don't have a clearcut advantage at any one position, and given time, that might even out.
More on the Phils tomorrow.